Application Theory of Planned Behavior: Determinants of Behavior to Use Personal Protective Equipment among Tobacco Farmers in Temanggung, Central Java: A Multilevel Analysis



Background: Tobacco farmers has the risk of being exposed by wet nicotine during har­vest­ing tobacco leaves or is often called as Green Tobacco Sick­ness (GTS). GTS preven­tion can be conduc­t­ed by using Personal Pro­tec­tive Equipment (PPE) before farmers har­ves­t­ing tobacco leaves. Beha­vior in using PPE among farmers is affected by sex types, education, attitude, subjective norm, in­ten­tion, and perceived behavioral control. The stu­dy aims to analyze the determinant of beha­vior to use PPE among tobacco farmers in Te­man­g­gung Regency, Central Java.

Subjects and Method: It was a cross sectional study, conducted in 25 villages in Temanggung Regency, August – October 2019.  The sample was a total of 200 tobacco farmers. The sampling technique used was simple ran­dom sampling. Dependent variable of the study was behavior to use PPE among tobacco farmers. Independent va­riables of the study were sex types, education, attitude, subjective norm, intention, and per­ce­i­v­e­d behavioral control. The data collection used was question­nai­res and processed by using mul­tilevel multiple logistic regression with Stata 13.

Results: The use of PPE among tobacco farmers during harvesting tobacco leaves was increased by male (b= 2.52;  95% CI= 1.39 up to 3.66; p<0.001), education ≥ High School (b= 2.15;  95% CI= 1.10 up to 3.19; p<0.001), strong famers’ intention (b= 1.82;  95% CI= 0.13 up to 2.22; p= 0.027), positive farmers’ attitude (b= 1.63;  95% CI= 0.58 up to 2.68; p= 0.002), supporting subjective norm (b= 1.74;  95% CI= 0.67 up to 2.81; p= 0.001), and strong per­ceived behavioral control (b= 1.53;  95% CI= 0.52 up to 2.54; p= 0.003).

Conclusion: Behavior to use PPE among tobac­co farmers is affected by sex types, edu­cation, at­ti­tude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control.

Keywords: behavior to use PPE, farmers, theory of planned behavior


Yovita Eka Ratna Kumala. Master Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Central Java, Indo­nesia, 57126. Email: yovitakuma­la­19@gmail­.­com­. Mo­bile: 083867630850

Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020), 5(1): 50-58


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How to Cite

Kumala, Y. E. R., Rahardjo, S. S., & Sulaeman, E. S. (2020). Application Theory of Planned Behavior: Determinants of Behavior to Use Personal Protective Equipment among Tobacco Farmers in Temanggung, Central Java: A Multilevel Analysis. Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 5(1), 50–58. Retrieved from




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